Mommy's Break

From now on, this would be my new home. ;) I've had my own blog ( It was nice having that blog but I didn't get to have so much freedom editing its html as much as I have here in Probably, they have their own reasons like they wanted to protect their websites from hackers etcetera but now, I found my new home. Where I could belt out all of my thoughts, rants and musings on my own two toddlers. Yes, I have two toddlers. Definitely, I'm blessed for having both of them. (Are you sensing some sarcasm?) But you see taking care both of them is really a roller-coaster ride for both of us parents (all moms out there, I know you are feeling me on this). Luckily, I have a partner, who is also hands-on when taking care of our tots. He helps me out in settling them down whenever they have their own "shining drama" moments. Still,I think we need another one to help us out even if we're two on two still it's not enough.

So what to do? I created a blog which serves as an outlet for me whenever I've had "enough". Sometimes MOMMIES need a BREAK or at least need something or someone to break away and recharge and go back again to reality.


prohz said…
Now you know how hard it is to be a mommy. It's the most challenging "job" in the face of the earth. Yoe experience all kinds of emotions, short of being labeled weird, crazy and paranoid. I did it when I had you and your brother but I wasn't working then...but you are. So, if I have to grade you, I think you're doing it excellently! Keep it up, my dear daughter!